【同义词辨析】 2017-09-04 过度excessive-extreme

excessive: implies a amount or degree too great to be reasonable or endurable: punishment that was deemed ~.

immoderate: implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint: an ~ amount of time was spent on grooming.

inordinate: implies an exceeding of limits dictated by reason or good judgment : an ~ portion of their budget goes to entertainment.

extravagant: implies a wild, lawless, prodigal, or foolish warndering from proper and accustomed limits: ~ claims for the product.

exorbitant: implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree: a menu with ~ prices.

extreme: may imply an approach to the farest limit possible or conceivable but commonly means only to a notably high degree: views concerning marriage that are a bit ~.

excessive: 大,合理忍受,immoderate: 缺少克制,inordinate: 超出界限,extravagant: 脱离(vag词根:wander)常规,exorbitant: 同上条,脱离标准(orbit:轨道),extreme极端: 到达最远界限,但常仅表程度高

记忆方法:1)首字母II EEEE,I联想为in,E联想成ex,二进四出,不敷<==因为过度消费

          2)过度的意思是超过正常合理限度mean going beyond a normal or acceptable limit.